Wow, the previous post has gone over a week! When töitten and compulsory sport melkeen remaining after all the time I've had to use pääsykoehommiin. Why all must always leave the last minute? So, please pass it on. Mullahan and is also really still not Get it yo-mekkokin celebration, even if it is yes I've hunted actively for a couple of months. How can even find may not be so HARD? : D Illustrations otherwise operates a couple of my friends received gifts:) Those shorts are pretty överisöpöt, and I love the feathers, so those Not earrings none the worse thing oo! Oh and thanks again Teija's otherwise nice comments, guys the best:)
I've Been really busy last week and have HAD no time or energy for my blog. I Try To Be a better blogger this week Even though i think it Will not Get Any Easier. anyway, there are couple of the bday presents i got from my friends in the pictures. i love love love the crochet shorts and the feather earrings aren't that bad either. and thanks again for your lovely comments, you're the best:)
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