Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dark Blue And Yellow Bmx

Day 15 of my dreams (+ you know)

Meinasin tänään hypätä seuraavaan junaan joka lähtee ihansamaminne, ja käydä kattelemassa vähän paikkoja. Oon halunnut tehdä sen jo jonkin aikaa, mutta taas se sai jäädä, sillä mun äiti soitti ja pyysi lapsenlikaksi pikkuveljelle. Voi minua! No, onhan tässä vielä näitä päiviä... *koputus puuhun*

Kovin monimutkaista ajatusprosessia en jaksanut tänään(kään) suorittaa vaatteiden suhteen, sillä ainoa meno oli yksi luento. Why bother?

Seppälä I also visited briefly, and I found pitsihanskat. I wonder if they are or no gloves, if they do not oo fingers? Paid
6.95 e.

yeah brought bib is ugly, must be cut off

And there are now just go past the title, so you are aware my dream. At this stage of life I do not really not aware of any no, I do not know what I want or what will grow up black, I do not really know anything. My only dream I guess So be it that I get to do just what I want (once its figured out), and that I enjoy my life to last until the air that's my take some to listen to other narisemista. Nor do I want and I do not intend to live "as is", but I do own my rules, I do not really want to be predictable. So the Volvo station wagon, and three children will then be able to forget completely the same road.

I'm feeling a bit lazy These Days so this is my bit boring (?) Outfit. I only Went to the university so I had no energy for dressing up.
Anyway, I found These lovely lace gloves from Seppälä, and I love them:)


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