Today begins the lecture only two, so I've already had time to do what you got. I went to work straight away and then express regret I had to bend and go under the Stock Crazy for the Festival. Fortunately, there was not yet quite so terrible rush out of there I was not injured. I bought a tripod and a cosmetic cream, both to the need!
TAA camera tripod stand is bent, that is not wrapped in a record field mutkalle whatnot, and the platform can be uneven, but how. I like it! 15e was pokkarijalustan price järkkäreille but I can also remember how much was paid.
Makeup was L'Oreal Matte MorphOS shade 140, and this is my favorite! Sometimes I tried this for fun and to the road I've jääny. So wonderfully smooth, spread out and cover up well and still looks natural. I hate the current liquid creams, my skin, I can not get correct distribution within them properly, and your face will be horrible distribution of traces of real easily. Tan Matte MorphOS does ees take some primer, or at least I did not take some. The truth is that everything does not fit all, I've heard that for example, dry skin, this is not the best, Because this is the dry lines sour closed. I have normal / combination skin, not too oily, so MPLIANCEWITH suits me. 12.50 paid for yet so e jeejee, cheap left.
So, then it's day outfit. I wanted to put my girlygirl-shirt on today, a bit of a counterweight to yesterday's ...
Since I have today so thin stockings on, I realized I walked out there that I might not seem so coolio than I thought, but when I looked down I noticed that my thighs hölskyy than two plastic bags filled with jelly.
I walk so fast and abrupt correctly pointed out that this beautiful phenomenon. But then I wonder that the hell with it and rattle forward. If someone interferes with my löllyminen so it is disappointing, but not really my problem: D I guess that even if Samapa hölskyisin pohkeista blush, it's just me. I am too tired now because of public morality start sipsuttelemaan varpaillani or anything else silly.
Noi shorts is a strangely shaped, stress might be funny, but my hips can not, I'm too lazy to convey ^ ^ |
Yes, pantyhose have broken. No, I am in violation of them on purpose. |
Tomorrow should be the license exam, the time paiseessa'm here because of it. But I have a smart, filmaattinen, athletic and covetable so I get through it even with one hand behind our backs. Thus, I believe, and others uskoahan not blaspheme, or what?
bought a new "gorillapod" aka tripod for my camera. Also I found my favorite foundation, L'Oreal Matte MorphOS in Beige Naturel (140).
I wanted to wear my girlygirl-shirt today, and I Combined it with my high-waisted shorts. I dunno if the shorts are the best for my figure But what the hell! and no, I did not shred my pantyhose on Purpose. That's just me, ripping everything that's THINNER please cow's skin. ^ _ ^
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