Finnish rock flats I was thinking today reveals tymyyteni Tallassee, and publish a small survey by nyysin any blog. It was a fun täytellä this and wonder what all the male creatures might think.
1 List from the hip 10
Kia brand (of course), Nissan, Mercedes, Ford, bemari, Chevrolet, Volvo, Honda, wolkkari, renault
2 Which car manufacturer's model is a starlet?
: D wolkkari?
3 What is the V8 engine?
8-cylinder engine: 'D no lol I do not know. Ees I do not know what is a cylinder, or where they exist.
4 What is a multimeter and what does it do?
is commonly measured
5 What is the most common color herätejohdon?
vihree OFC duh
6 What is a ratchet?
dude kauhee stick is rotated by a player and a satanic voice that no one will not last.
7 Which game console you can play WRC rallyä?
Pleakley and Xbox ... Diu Diu
8 List the five SM-league teams
Tappara, Ilves, Jokerit, JYP, sword, weasels, oops I mean
9 How many kilowatts must be up to A1-card executable motorcycle?
No. 300, of course, hello who is now Tota tiiä
10 When did Olvi beer brewing?
11 How much alcohol is roughly keskioluessa?
meinataanko So here it is now 4.7%?
12 In which sport to shine Harri Olli?
someone snowy kind, it was: 'D ski jumping?
13 What it means strangling a moped?
strangled the hose so that the transport of fluids!
14 What brands of cars Veho belongs to the group?
15 In which sport is a trick called the Ollie?
HAA! skateboarding!
16 Who's dating back to the TV show Top Gearia?
no it Digg this annoying man
17 What is MIG device?
18 What is the plug?
the one who always gets nervous when the lights
19 What is the resistance of the unit?
not hele I should know ... _ei_hajua_
20 How high-voltage is a Finnish sockets?
real korkee
21 How many horsepower is a 84kW?
100: D
22 Who won the ice hockey world championship 2007?
23 What gas is used in two gas welding?
butane and methane, 'D
24 Which is the military value of the order above, the lieutenant or lieutenant?
25 What is tetsaaminen?
ku riehutaan it out there in the army they kauheet harness on and presented tärkeetä.
I also noticed that the spring keeps calling my form that I have issues inboxissa, but I do not see them until after some time away. Nice, thanks.
Anyway, I put this now because last night's live today, am not gone I'm not going anywhere, so is allowed to pass muster!
Since I could not decide, riding wardrobe a couple of times. Although even gone to any strange place. Well, crazy is a little pleasures.
Tomorrow, May Day, and indeed the funeral. Wow, I can not say yes no what this is going ... In any case, hope the good weather at least a bit!