Saturday was our Our first agility competition ever!
crino was obedient and lovely, and the track went really well. somehow I had dug myself a "non-response to what kind of fun to keep poodle over there on the track 'Party and the stress karisi just before our turn.

hyppyesteeltä became one refusal, but otherwise went absolutely brilliantly. speed was, and even canes went cleanly. we went to a jumping course, so there was no concern for contacts: D
crino was the best standard poodle;)

crino So ranked 12, and (without 5 pts had 2, if and when ..).
I am pleased to hit the road even though it was heavy. our training group's second dog ginga won and here is a picture of them:

gingan my first course was 9.20 and the last day on the track kilpasi second workout buddy wilma at 19.20 so the day stretched. crinon familiarized with the center of Jyväskylä, went to the dog park and two friends visiting. crino another had to adapt the cat's presence (and stare: D), and another baby konttailuun around.
today, Sunday it was time to match show's rest. behaved like a dream and gave up his teeth and look etc to stop the movement and, ultimately, was praised sijoituttiin red tape received third place! yes it is an impressive dog tollasena "lyhyttukkasenakin". So great workout's rest and for me Hey. Easter, when'd sit A \u200b\u200breal show.
figured I ask anyone to take pictures of us. d'oh. However, here a few puudelikuva:

our trip to the club, ie isovilla dolli and medium-sized mission while achieving great handles like BIS kehästäkin. mission was BIS 1 and BIS 4 dolli is because Laura, but dogs are awesome: D

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