holiday and informal agility competition Sääksjärvi

tamskin möllikisoissa 3 maksiluokassa place! ie the first agilitypalkintomme ever! a great vibe and even though there was no competition as the 6 and came in fourth (but second place was already officially visited World Cup) so still awesome: D
penultimate obstacle was an error score when I had time to steer the crinoa long straight piece of track until the end. not be memorized to that separation so much.
reward for the dog biscuits, candy bag and a pair of puruluutikkua.

finally pulled from the pipe line, and yet it came with the third and the prize money. It was surprisingly a lot of my head demanding, and when obstacles were, in principle, easy and fast, but the steering could ruin everything. pipeline path is not penalized;)
line looked like this. April. tohon hopeless to draw the route, such as circular like that. However, departure from that bottom of the right.

and each rimattoman jump barrier case crino jumped. apparently just varulta. escort to be a bit funny näköstä when other dogs running through it gates, but our shaggy dog \u200b\u200bpulled at least 40 cm bumps in each case. Unfortunately, Erno was no longer at the stage filming, but had already left with the UNI home. but highly encouraged: D

here are described by Erno's path. However, do not bother just to describe the edge of the track that crino disrupted, and the source must be her. Toronto penultimate esteelläkin was looking for a bit ..
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