koirut was taken to the dog park. is understood that riehuminen is like that exercise, prior to which kannattais warm!
crino slipped and now it's back concerns. the rear end of koiru moves pretty stiff and climbs the stairs really stiff: (
ie bed rest, and (liver flavor) rimadyl-pain medication. sigh.

hope indeed that only one muscle dragging. if not weeks to get easier as you go kuvauttamaan back.
now after 4 weeks have been a break from all the agility control due to a real nice that the break going .. and anyway, when you only had to oleen stitches because at rest, both now and then this. but what can you do. next time, a sense of warm up before the free- juoksentelua.
go UNI on Thursday, then try out with what it tuumaisi estehyppelystä.
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