Saturday, February 26, 2011

Are All Chinese Lactose Intolerant

take it easy hey hipppibileeet, almost, almost, almost.

Your Demise - Miles Away (This song does not fit the mood now cold but menköö!) Vacation breath! jejejeee:) Mette and Lotta came to us and leave this little celettiii alkuuu tsirp tsirp! And I have spent tänää aiva ryytyny, tomorrow duunii (hey what the holiday was a couple of tuntii ....?) Yeah, but then begin again MPLIANCEWITH pippalointi> = D Oh yeah and I'm lov Kouvola huudeilla tällleen wednesday, then I I strike faijalle Espoo, Agent frendei, maybe somewhere skedeppaa suunnille Kerava, underpasses and tunnels sponssaa winter tarjoo feelings, (saanähäXD) but supposed to be fun and niinn!:) I'm Here 'is now more grind, pictures!
PEEÄS! XD Oh yes, and let me tell you again now that I will actually be moderately dead bodies because I do not rock the province päääsekkään voiteko figure .. why can not supposedly Muhu luottooo?: D least cause why I the last viikonloppunaki _melkein with permission Siel kotka ... banned, but eikse cabinet so that the ban on single or päteekse ees Taha? Well, anyway, I might even go see every weekend somewhere sniikisti ryönäilee ... I I've earned it. Tosissaa. I guess ...? "Yeah, I'm!

yäääk = D = D

Friday, February 18, 2011

Unique Grooms Table Ideas

team running

not here I think I should get a damn video! unbelievable run behind. crino and sleep, the sled and I leash jogging suit at the waist. when not subject to veto in the hands of the pelvis, but is spending more relaxed and does not begin to irritate it twitching. vastaoin like it helps you cope juoksiessa. dreams of a harness, so the withdrawal was permitted, and crino jolkotti alkunyinnän after the UNI side.

really fun running and stayed in all respects a good mood. näköstä funny to watch sled, where the "leader" dog ears pompuloilla pompsahdellen goes merrily forward: D saana held today, moreover, that trimmamassa beauties, ie, at least there was laittauduttu!
also "möröille" barking stayed away, after apparently koirut not been able to concentrate on two things at the same time, ie running and barking is not only a success.

more of this!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dune Buggy Legal In Nj


a long time.

crino with is going ekoihin official agility competition 26.3. Jyväskylä! the weeks prior to the informal yet here in Tampere. contribute to the jump the track, but only official when it does not succeed, and still rocking, it appears that learning also takes time. and I do not want to force, but I wish that even comes crinolle pleasing barrier. canes already know how to date a nice, albeit "wrong" side, they are vaikeemmat and keep the pace pretty much kills that can be achieved in the right middle sujahdettua. Well, here I have time yet tollasia treenaileen! However, today was between workouts when cold bullets at about -20 degrees Celsius.
stretching those games are already low. hopefully be taken lunkisti.

crinolle also bought a lightweight cage Cup and rehearsals, so that it would go kivemmin waiting time. koiruus a considerable collection rounds while waiting for the other races, and succeeds, so that it is better to rest in kopissaan. we are now all sorts of exercises cage to cage equips fiery love my own place, where there quietly.

sleep with the other hand should be planned in a few exhibition. 23.4. bay, 25.4. Lappeenranta and 7.5. Tampere, Finland. all international exhibitions, while those from the list selector. I do not know whether it was sensible to think about smaller races, but let's go and try and hope for the best. top koirahan that is that yes, now the rest is attached to my grooming skills (and taitamattomuuksista) as well as exhibitions from the sleigh.

dog training enthusiasm always goes in cycles and now wonder I'm back lueskellut naksutinkoulutuskirjaa and tried to book functions. somehow dreams, especially in the form of training is even better than crinoon. crino is reflective and reasonable and it is slow does not add very quickly prize dog like that and create a nice progression. sleep while busy and will try everything possible to quickly and usually, of course, what I expect so. when the prize still gets the correct item ajotettua sleep quickly discovers what has become a sausage. and its work is a pleasure to watch when it carry on and try and sometimes shows that the correct lamp lights up on your head!

rehearsing, if your home has progressed so outdoor trainings gone by the time badly. where the witch used alone to walk so they will go nicely affordable, but the walk (as, therefore, almost always takes place), so the dogs deceivth each other quite surprising behavior: P kikkaillaan and pulled on a leash and riekutaan and will take place between the second pulled by the hair. sigh. and if one barks (indoors or outdoors) to someone, even if the Moro, is forced to respond to a second and then the woof-woof-the debate will continue until it is again understood that there had no reason to bark.
this now requires a long patience, and I hope that jaksetaan toil in front of the result. usually when the dogs are free time juoksennelleet they cope remmilenkkeihinkin concentrate better, but that comes to mind is tired kirmaa free of them as much or perseileekö them but because of that then escapes, such as baby returns to the riekuntaan ..

now, however, a plan of action is to make the hihnalenkkiharjotteista only short, so that interest is maintained and will be able to hire the right performance. useless to even imagine that the hours of the loop feeling like a dog or handler to focus on a new case how to learn.

and all tips to travel along nicely on a leash are welcome! one with the dog being a dog stopped to pulling, and then continued the journey when the belt is loosened by a dog, even a bit. that seems to work both sides separately, but not when both fido is involved.

one idea would also be the first to whether the power to terminate a duuniin and only then go for a walk nätille? then I do not know what that work should be. vetokoirailua?

now beginning to be at night so you better stop writing and hit the sack. UNI washer just (3.5 hours went), because tomorrow saana will trim it again nätiksi.

good night!